I managed to get out a RAK again! Woo hoo....and the best part, it arrived within the month, which is quite a feat in itself. My faith in The Book Depository is strengthening.
So, they lucky RAK gal for the month of March was the very popular book blogger Tynga @ Tynga's Reviews who is from Canada! I don't think I've ever sent anything to Canada before so I sure am happy I finally got to! I sent Tynga a book from her most wanted list!
I got a really cool RAK in return from Tynga. Not a book though. Instead, a BLOG BUTTON! Woot woot! I have been trying to get one since the person who was supposed to make me one went MIA some time back. So my RAK from her is the pretty bloggie button you see at the top left corner of my blog now! It matches the rest of my blog so I finally have some balance.
THANKS Tynga!!
And so, with that, March is officially over! My gosh! We're already into month FOUR! That is some scary s***! Where did all that time go??
Let's keep on RAKing!
Here are my Top Five top wishlist books for this month:
In Hardcover please, since it's for my collection and I NEED it to complete said collection! |
I've heard SO many great things I want to read it for myself. |
I already have Matched so of course I now need Book #2! |
And before we get TOO excited at the prospect of more wonderful books,
please remember to read the rules deemed worthy by our lovely hosts at Book Soulmates and Sign Up to take part!
Please read carefully & follow all the rules! Thank you!
Please read carefully & follow all the rules! Thank you!
- Please sign-up each month that you can participate (and by participate, we mean give as well as receive).
- Show off your participation by grabbing our RAK button (code is in the right sidebar).
- Create a wish list (on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog, etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
- If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wish list and contact that blogger directly for their information.
- Once you receive a RAK, send us an our new email to [rakbybooksoulmates @ gmail . com] so that we can update the Google Doc. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU SEND EMAILS TO THIS ADDRESS!
- E-book participation is limited to files being gifted directly to a person from the e-book store. Amazon's Kindle Store is set up to allow this, as well as the Kobo store and we believe Barnes & Noble with Nook as well.
- At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K by making a "RAK Wrap-Up" post. This post should include who you SENT gifts to as well who you RECEIVED gifts from :)
OPEN TO EVERYONE including all our International brethren!
Remember, there's always the The Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!
Easy peezy!!
Sign up for April 2013 [HERE]
See who else is participating [HERE]
If you have any questions regarding RAK, please contact us via the following:
See who else is participating [HERE]
If you have any questions regarding RAK, please contact us via the following:
rakbybooksoulmates @ gmail . com
1. When talking about RAK on Twitter, please use the hashtag: #RAK. It makes it much easier to keep track of the conversations, answer questions and/or tweet back! =)
2. When submitting your wish list, please make sure that it is set to PUBLIC
viewing. Some people have had trouble with wish lists that were set to
private. We want to be sure that no one is left out of getting great
Some of you have gotten frustrated because you can't get your links to
appear active. This is a very easy fix :) Just make sure that when you
enter your link, do NOT hit the Enter key. Instead, hit the TAB key
which will send you to the next field on the form. Additional spaces
entered after the link will leave the link inactive. However, if this
does happen to you, no worries, we'll fix it for you.